Grey food waste bins

john posted on the 16/06/2018 4:01:57 AM

Is it okay to dispose of grass cuttings in the grey food bins ?? I used to bag my cuttings up in a black bag and put it in the bin shed for collection but lately the bin men are just leaving it behind during collection - I guess they realise that it isn't general household waste.
I have started tearing the bags open and pouring the cuttings into the grey bins instead, I thought that if it was okay to put in potato pealing or spoiled fruit then grass cutting should also be okay, will this cause any problems or is there another solution.

#1 - anon replied on the 17/06/2018 10:33:23 AM

its compost so i cant imagine why not but just give the council a phone call on monday, they'll be able to tell you in two mins.

#2 - anon replied on the 17/06/2018 10:33:49 AM

I have been wondering the same thing, I always end up putting my hedge clippings and bush clippings in them, the bin men don't seem interested in taking bagged up clippings

#3 - anon replied on the 2/07/2018 6:54:08 PM

just filled mine with lawn cuttings - I hope the food waste bin men take it on Tuesday

#4 - Riva replied on the 11/07/2018 8:41:59 AM

No. It specifically says on the leaflet that grass cuttings and garden waste or clippings can NOT be put in the grey bin. The guys might empty it but that would basically because they won't look inside before they take it out and dump it in the lorry. But that would be contaminating the whole lorry load. Garden clippings etc should be put in a Brown Bin but Glasgow has stopped Brown Bin collections in many areas so you need to take it to the dump yourself. By a strange quirk; you can put food waste in a brown bin alongside the garden waste but not the other way round.

#5 - anon replied on the 23/07/2018 10:49:45 AM

well I don't have a brown bin or a car to get to the dump, the normal bin men won't take the clippings when they are bagged up in a black bag anymore, that leaves me little choice. this sort of problem was bound to occur when the council outsourced refuse collections to a private company, all the private company is interested in is making as much profit as possible while Glasgow council continue to increase council tax rates but giving residents a downgraded service.

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