Potential wall mural at Lidl
Jim posted on the 4/12/2018 1:45:29 PM
Does anyone else not think the wall next to the bed centre, facing west on Duke St, would be an amazing spot for a full wall mural? There is some amazing wall art in the city and this spot is crying out to be painted. It could be an awesome entrance to Dennistoun.
- 13 Replies :
#1 - Mick replied on the 4/12/2018 2:25:20 PM
I walk past it mostly everyday and think the exact same thing. Some of the wall art that is dotted around Glasgow is something else and would make for a great visual when driving up Duke Street.
#2 - CV3V replied on the 5/12/2018 8:03:36 PM
Agreed, i mentioned it a wee while ago on this forum when the gable end was being repaired and part of an old painted advert was showing through. Glasgow City Council has a mural fund, but it's for city centre and didn't extend this far. Would be a great welcome into Dennistoun.
#3 - Paul replied on the 5/12/2018 8:04:20 PM
Couldnt agree more - plenty of places in Dennistoun could take it.
#4 - Pat replied on the 8/12/2018 1:06:56 PM
That gable end is indeed quite ugly but I'd rather see it covered in Ivy (which would soak up some of the pollution on Duke Street too). Murals aren't to everyone's taste...
#5 - anon replied on the 9/12/2018 7:34:08 PM
I would not be happy if the council went ahead and spent tens of thousands of pounds of tax payer money on a wall mural while front line services are being cut to the bone, those houses are all privately owned and a badly painted mural would seriously affect both the house value and its saleability, also clinging wall Ivy will badly damage wall, bricks and plasterwork and encourages dampness in houses
#6 - Pat replied on the 10/12/2018 12:38:20 AM
They don't cost tens of thousands. From what I hear it's way less than that. You may be right about a bad mural affecting the sale price though! In terms of Ivy, there's a lot of modern, cheap systems that keep the plant from damaging the walls. In fact they add insulation!
#7 - Rachel replied on the 12/12/2018 11:02:54 AM
Most murals in the city are very well done and they bring people in to visit them. Yes there are a couple of duds but the ones on High Street are beautiful. That building definitely needs something, it's at the entrance to Dennistoun from town and at the moment it seems to say 'this is a bit of a grim place to live', which we know isn't true. It doesn't need to be a particularly elaborate complicated mural, bright geometric shapes or bold graphic text would be cool. Look at how much the mural wall at the Tennants brewery has brightened up the area. You're never going to please everyone but I think you have to try new things and see what happens. Can always paint over it if it's that bad!
#8 - Anon replied on the 12/12/2018 4:57:53 PM
The obvious choice is a mural of the daughter of Dennistoun , LULU obe !
#9 - anon replied on the 12/12/2018 9:08:56 PM
Lulu! you've got to be kidding. If that's all Dennistoun's got it's got nothing---and that's not true. I don't think pop/celebrity culture needs more prominence. I haven't had time to think of an alternative---was just so shocked by this suggestion.
#10 - anon replied on the 12/12/2018 10:24:51 PM
Following my initial shock at the Lulu suggestion, I have a more positive suggestion. Why don't we ask the guy from Lost Glasgow who posts information every day. He seems to have a wealth of knowledge about every area and historical figures in Glasgow.
#11 - anon replied on the 13/12/2018 1:25:51 PM
Public art isn't just about commemorating individuals. It's also not necessarily good to use photorealistic imagery, especially when a lot of Glasgow's untrained mural artists can't get that right. In my opinion the only decent murals in Glasgow are in Garnethill Park, largely because they take the area and it's inhabitants into consideration rather than just imposing the 'vision' of one particular artist
#12 - anon replied on the 13/12/2018 1:43:37 PM
To elaborate on my last post, the problem with a lot of the murals in Glasgow is that in most cases, the subject matter is clichéd or overly simplistic. This problem will persist while the people choosing and doing the murals are not qualified to do so. Glasgow has one of the best art schools in the world. We also have quite a lot of highly skilled and experienced actual visual artists that have made work for sites across the globe. Some of them even live in Dennistoun!
#13 - Jim replied on the 18/12/2018 1:12:28 PM
Art is subjective. Which is the point. It creates interest and debate. A talking point, and a notable marker which says to the world 'This is Dennistoun, home to a proud community'.
Having a well-skilled artist paint the mural (provided the theme/content is a 'safe' topic) would create a vibrant entrance to Dennistoun. I love the #10 suggestion - make it related to the history of the place.
#5 Typical doomsday merchant who clearly doesn't like any form of change. Immediately jump to cliche gripe about council spending. Why can't the community fund raise for this??? Crowdfund page created by reputable org (community council) and let's see if it can garner the support?
#7 Rachel, great shout. Lot's of good murals on High St.
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