Whats up with Roselea Drive
John posted on the 7/04/2019 4:32:47 PM
I was walking down the far end of Roselea Drive today (between Armadale st & Whitehill st) and I couldn't believe the amount of dog poo on it, there was dog poo every couple of feet and loads of it had been stood on probably by kids - I stood on a lump myself before I had noticed how bad the pavement was, I know there is dog poo on all the drives but not as bad as this.
someone must know who the guilty dog owners are, maybe it time we started taking pictures of the guilty owners and posting their pictures on the lamp posts on the street to shame them into picking up - its not the dogs fault after all
- 5 Replies :
#1 - anon replied on the 7/04/2019 7:49:22 PM
it has always been bad in that drive for dog poo, but things have been getting worse lately, it bound to affect house prices too - I certainly wouldn't want to buy a house in the middle of a crappy street
#2 - Boo replied on the 10/04/2019 9:43:19 AM
Dennistoun is a disgrace. The side streets off Duke Street (Garfield, Bellfield, etc) are a minefield of dog poo. It's disgusting.
#3 - Ab replied on the 22/04/2019 6:22:28 PM
Where is roselea drive
Try Roslea Drive please
#4 - Liz replied on the 12/05/2019 12:09:18 PM
Any thoughts on what we can do? I've just bought a flat on the street?
#5 - anon replied on the 12/05/2019 7:25:57 PM
very unfortunate for you LIZ, apart from wearing wellington boots or leaving your shoes outside your front door in the close - all you can do is shame the owners, if you see a dog doing a poo and the owner not picking up complain to them, thats what worked when a dog left a fresh poo outside my close every day, I eventually caught the owner and asked/made him clean up after his dog - no more poo's now
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