Billy Parker fisher st

joe mc dermott posted on the 13/05/2019 5:45:45 PM

I was out with Billy today in Glasgow today he asked me iff anyone remembers him from the 60s, 70s we meet up every month or so cheers folks

#1 - Anon replied on the 29/07/2019 10:16:47 AM

Does he have two sons?

#2 - Billy Parker replied on the 30/07/2019 10:15:30 PM

Yes he had two sons one however passed away in an accident , I am meeting Billy tomorrow in Gllasgow we go for walks into the town cheers Joe

#3 - Billy Parker replied on the 30/07/2019 10:16:30 PM

Hello Anon Billy and I were out for a walk in town today he is wondering who you are we are old pals going to back to the sixties in his fisher st days Joe

#4 - Billy Parker replied on the 5/08/2019 4:52:18 PM

Hello again Annon im meeting Billy tomorrow in Glasgow you can post a note to him yourself cheers Joe

#5 - Ronnie Jamieson replied on the 10/08/2019 12:09:31 AM

If he had a sister called Betty, I knew the Parker family well. I lived in Fisher St for years before moving to Cranhill.

#6 - anon replied on the 11/08/2019 10:59:21 PM

Hello Ronnie Billy phoned me this morning ans told me he saw your reply on the forum he is going to get in touch with you we are meeting on Tuseday at the corner of duke st and whitevale st at 11 am cheers Joe I remember you also

#7 - Billy Parker replied on the 11/08/2019 11:00:36 PM

Hi Ronnie remember you and Tommy well. Betty now lives in Carntyne and is doing well I am meeting My pal joe who remembers you this tuesday at the top of Whitevale st at 11am .We go for walks around the east end it's good fun .All old friends boys or girls it would be nice to catch up

Cheers Billy

#8 - Ronnie Jamieson replied on the 31/08/2019 11:40:35 PM

Hi Billy, Just picked up your reply. I should have told you I moved to Somerset in 1982. Give my regards to Betty, is Bobby still around? We had some great times, happy memories. I lived in Cranhill for a time, and went the out for a few pints with Bobby around 1978.

#9 - Billy replied on the 1/09/2019 11:43:00 AM

Hi Ronnie .Somerset what a great move.Do you remember Rab Lamb he now lives in Bournemouth.We Bobby died about ten years back.Betty asked me to say hello I go walks with Joe
McDermott and Ian Rennox all around the east end and we always seem to finish up at the rocks remenising ,Any old friends out there boys or girls get in touch you would be very welcome . laugh guaranteed.Thanks for your reply Ronnie Cheers Billy

#10 - Ronnie Jamieson replied on the 1/09/2019 1:48:08 PM

Hi Billy, Sorry to hear about Bobby, we had some great times. I was in their house in Carntyne a few times before Janet and I moved to Glenrothes in the 70s. It was a long time ago when we lived in Fisher St. Sorry I don't remember Rab, Tam my brother died 4 years ago after a lengthy illness. We were in Glasgow earlier in the year, we stayed in the Radisson Blue in Argyle St. Had a walk around Duke St, it didn't seem to have changed much there. Cheers, Billy. Say hi to Betty.

#11 - Billy replied on the 2/09/2019 12:40:20 AM

Sorry to hear about Tommy.I lost my wife Linda 20 years ago this year after a long illness but life goes on .I have said hi to Betty for you

#12 - Billy replied on the 8/02/2020 1:24:24 PM

Got tickets for me and Joe to go and see the Bootleg Beatles for December the 8th any old Beatle fans out there should not miss this show it's fantastic .
This is my eighth time .tickets go really fast
Maybe we will see some old friends there .
We managed to get the stalls row G in the
Royal Concert

#13 - robert mcaulay replied on the 13/02/2020 9:51:01 PM

saw your post about the beatles bootleg band
was at liverpool at the weekend and got up to play with the band in the cavern woohoo

#14 - Billy replied on the 13/02/2020 11:32:53 PM

Hi Robert My son took me to Liverpool for my birthday a couple of years back.We went to the cavern and saw a Beatles band but there not the same band that comes to the concert hall every December these guys are a lot better .
Nice to hear from you Robert hope everything's going well .
Keep in touch.
Meeting my pal
Joe tomorrow for out usual walkabouts

#15 - Beth Duncan replied on the 3/03/2020 3:01:17 PM

Of course we remember him. He gave Allan and I a blue candlewick bedspread when we got married 50 years ago

#16 - Billy parker replied on the 3/03/2020 10:35:47 PM

Hi Alan and Beth was out walkabouts with Joe today .I thought l gave you a standard lamp for a wedding present but you are probably right.Hope you both are still in love and keeping well
Cheers Billy

#17 - Billy replied on the 14/04/2020 11:10:16 AM

9 12 48 this dob belongs to a girl who was very special to me are you still out there

#18 - Billy replied on the 23/04/2020 3:29:59 PM

Fed up being stuck in,so I am meeting Joe this Tuesday 10.30 top of whitevale st for some exercise,probably visit Ally Park cheers Billy

#19 - Billy Parker replied on the 12/06/2020 9:56:56 AM

I have now joined Facebook alongside my two pals Joe Mcdermott and IanRennox .Ian is going to photograph every street in Dennistoun .He has already started with some of the streets.This should be really good for old dennistonians who now live far away or abroad.Some guy

#20 - Billy replied on the 13/06/2020 3:22:47 PM

Yep Billy is dead right there great photos from Ian keep them coming , see you on Tuesday Billy

#21 - Thomas Rodgers replied on the 23/01/2022 12:17:14 PM

Hello Billy, I cannot take in the joy I've felt seeing your name here Do you remember your family took me on holiday with you one year Betty was there I would love to here from you

#22 - Thomas Rodgers replied on the 23/01/2022 12:19:25 PM

I knew all the old gang Billy was my best mate therodgersfamily_ uk@ also Ian Rab Martin Albert Mellors the old man wee davie Memories coming back

#23 - Thomas Rodgers replied on the 29/03/2024 5:49:30 PM

Hi Tommy just saw this how are you

#24 - Andy Lamb replied on the 22/05/2024 4:55:06 PM

Hi everyone,
I am Rab Lamb's son, he is doing great, living life down in Sunny Bournemouth, he is on Facebook if anyone fancies getting in touch with him.
Do any of you remember his cousin John Green? Unfortunately he passed away last November, he was living up in Maryhill.

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