Alexandra Parade/Whitehill schools (1960s-1972)
David Hornsby posted on the 8/02/2022 1:25:10 PM
I attended both of these schools between 1959 and 1972. Since it will be fifty years since I left Whitehill Secondary this June, I have thinking back to those days, with lots of memories, most good ones but some less so! Where has all the time gone, I ask myself, looking back to the year 5th and 6th year group pictures in the Whitehill magazines shown on the Whitehill FP site? Remembering teachers like eg Ms McKie and Mr Walker (History) Mr Livingstone, Ms Kerr, Mr Fraser (Art), Mr Guthrie, Mr Sheddan, Mr Winpenny, Ms Cameron, (English) and Mr Mundy (Head). I recall the dreaded 'belt' which people seemed to get (incl. me) for often the most trivial things. No-one argued with a teacher, abused them in those days, never mind swearing at them or attacking them back then. But, the belt was doled out frequently regardless! But, there were some good moments in and amongst!
- 1 Reply :
#1 - Jimmy Thomson replied on the 23/03/2023 4:00:38 PM
Hi David, When clearing out my mother's flat in 2013 I discovered 4 class photographs from Alexandra Parade. The first one is dated 1960 and I'm guessing the others were taken in 62,64, and 66. You and I feature in the back rows. I left Whitehill in 1969 and I remember some of the teachers you mentioned. If you want to get in touch my email address is
All the best.
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