ABC minors song

Andrew Ross posted on the 31/03/2024 5:13:13 PM

how many remember this song?
We are the boys and girls all known as Minors of the ABC,
And every Saturday all line up to see the films we like and shout aloud with glee.
We like to laugh and have our sing song such a happy crowd are we,
Were all pals together, were the minors of the ABC.

#2 - Agnes (nee Barr) replied on the 24/05/2024 2:48:45 PM

Remember it well from my childhood in Gateside Street and being packed off with sixpence on a Saturday morning. I had books with sticker cards and my jacket was covered with badges.

#1 - Bill mcilroy replied on the 11/05/2024 8:54:03 PM

Remember it well. On Armadale street

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